- Multi-thematic: FMCG, Hygiene, Beauty & Health, Telephony, IT, Services, Automotive, Education, Media, Banking & Insurance, B to B, Experts...
- List recruitment, free find, onsite, on forums, on social networks...
- From Stephenson’s specific lists: Medical, Education, IT, SME Managers...
- Focus groups, Face to face interviews, Telephone interviews
- Setting up ethnographic interviews, in home observation cameras, shop-alongs, gang surveys, usability tests
- Quantitative pre-recruitments (onsite, online) => sniff tests, product tests, car clinics, auditoriums…
- Setting up and managing specific panels
- Mystery shoppers
- Consulting services for setting up sophisticated fieldwork (large samples, multiple tests, longitudinal research)
- Developing questionnaires and recruitment screeners, online & offline
- Group moderation online & offline
- Interviewers with smartphones/tablets
- Facility rental (quant halls, test studios, studios equipped with audio-visual recording systems, studios with one-way mirrors, streaming)
- Incentives
- Transcriptions
- Homework follow-up
- Simultaneous translation, translation of documents (screeners, journals…)
- Sending, delivering, storing and returning products
- Concierge services
- Data processing on survey software